Volleyball Canada - Helpful Tips on Managing Events

22 Dec

Please Note - This help topic applies to Volleyball Canada organizations only


Helpful Tips on Managing Events


When clubs or event organizers are looking to host an event, providing them with the registration tools can make all the difference. The following tips directed at a PTA administrator may provide some guidance.


Using the Register Your Event process outlined below, issues like too many events on a specific weekend or not enough referees or facilities available can be managed by ensuring that an event is presented to the PTA before being announced.


Step 1
  • Create an individual registration form designed for either registrants or coaches, "Register your Event" for example
  • Collect all the information about an event that you'd need to know, for example:
    • Number of divisions
    • Expected number of teams
    • anticipated team fee
    • Dates
    • Location
    • Primary event venue
    • Required membership for players and coaches
    • Notes on referee requirements
  • Charge a fee if you'd like
  • Policies could include references to the event being subject to approval
Step 2
  • Follow up with the contact with approval of their event (or deny the request)
  • Add the event to the Events listing (applies only to a full website)
  • Use Manage Leagues to add the tournament divisions
Step 3