Volleyball Canada - General Information on the VRS

13 Mar

Please Note - This help topic applies to Volleyball Canada organizations only

Welcome to the Volleyball Registration System

General Information on the VRS - How Volleyball Canada organizations (like clubs and PTAs) share information, key terminology, how to register for events and more.

Structure of the GOALLINE Network

Key Terminology


A membership will include both a PTA and Volleyball Canada membership. It is not possible to have only a PTA membership. The membership season spans from September 1 through August 31. You can purchase a membership when registering with your club or directly from your PTA. It is also possible for a team administrator to purchase your membership for you while being registered for an event as part of a team. Upon purchasing any membership (or having your membership purchased on your behalf), you will receive an email notification with further information and/or instructions on providing further personal information.

Membership Category

Each PTA has defined membership categories that are paired with a membership category with Volleyball Canada. Membership categories are often defined by the type of role a participant may hold such as Competitive Player, Indoor Official, Volunteer, etc. If you have already purchased a membership for a particular role, you may purchase an additional membership category. For example, you can purchase a Competitive Player membership and then purchase a Leader/Volunteer membership later.

If you do not have a membership but wish to register for an event that requires you to be a member, you will have an option to purchase the required membership category during the event registration process. The only exception to this is when registering for events hosted by Volleyball Canada; in those situations, you'll be directed to your PTA to purchase your membership before registering for the event.

Competitive Category

Typically defined by the age and competition type such as Indoor 12U or Indoor Adult Rec. Each event or competition is open to one or more competitive categories which can be searched when looking for events or competitions to register for.

Event, Competition, Tournament

Volleyball Canada, PTAs or other entities may organize and offer various types of volleyball events for volleyball participants in Canada. These can be competitions such as tournaments or leagues, training opportunities form players such as camps or clinics, or leadership development events for coaches, officials or administrators. Volleyball events are offered both indoor and outdoor and in a variety of formats (6 vs. 6, 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, 4 vs. 4, indoor, beach, grass, etc). Generally speaking, the indoor volleyball season runs from September through May and the outdoor season runs May through August.


A group of teams that are meant to compete against each other and share certain characteristics like age, gender, and skill level may be grouped into leagues. Leagues may be referred to as Divisions or Age Classes by certain organizations.

A League may also refer to an entity that groups like teams together to play in regularly scheduled games over several weeks or months.


A group of Players that wish to play in a volleyball competition together. A Team may also include a Coach, Assistant Coach, and a Team Contact. The Team Contact serves as the point of contact for the Team. Teams may not always have Coaches or Assistant Coaches, for example, for Beach Volleyball or recreational competitions. Teams can vary in size from 2 (for beach volleyball) to 14 or more (indoor volleyball). Teams do not have to be part of a Club for Beach or recreational competitions but do need to be part of a Club for indoor competitive competitions (typically competitions leading to a provincial championship).


Coaching staff in the GOALLINE system includes any members of the team that should not be considered players. Coaching staff can include a head coach, captain, manager, trainer or contact. In most cases (determined by the event, club or PTA), coaches are given a website admin username and password where they can access their team pages. This allows a coach to update their roster and communicate with their team. Please note, permissions given to coaches are defined by the organization and may or may not allow for editing participants.

Once registered, coaches are given an access code to access their registration account as an individual. The access code may also be used to register an existing team for an event where the access code will allow the registration form to be pre-populated with the existing team's information saving time.


Players are participants who can be assigned to the roster of a team. Players can also register for other types of events, register as spares for leagues or competitions, or register for other events like tryouts and camps. Player is a role that a participant can have in addition to other roles like coach or referee. Various membership categories may apply to players depending on your PTA; when selecting a membership, select the one most appropriate for the role of player.


GOALLINE is providing the Volleyball Registration System in Canada. Each PTA will allow participants to register using a variety of registration forms for either individuals or teams. The act of submitting a registration form is a registration. Participants and teams can register for multiple events based on specific criteria defined by each event or competition.

Account Holder

On a registration form, either the player or one (or both) parent/guardian(s) can indicate that they are the account holder by selecting the appropriate check box. This check box allows an admin to set which members of a family are considered the account holders. This check box limits what information a user sees when logged into the registration hub. An unchecked user (not an account holder) will only see the "Account Home" and "Personal Information" tabs when logged into the registration hub. A checked user (is account holder) will see the same as above, when in the registration hub, and will also have access to the receipts and tax tabs. The account holder will also be able to edit the personal information of everyone associated within the family unit.

Roster Lock

Each team event can enforce a Roster Lock which is a date after which players can no longer be edited. Players that are on the roster cannot be release and no new players can be added to the roster after the roster lock takes effect. This can be overridden by certain administrators as needed; refer to your specific team event's contact information for more information on editing a roster after the lock date.

Website Admin

Any user who has a username and password to access the club, PTA or Volleyball Canada registration portals' admin control panel is a website administrator. Often, team staff will be added as a website administrator upon registering but other administrators can be added by the organization. Typical website admin titles include registrar, treasurer, webmaster, event coordinator, executive director, etc. Website admins can be given varying levels of permission to access some or all of the organization's administrative control panel. Any features that the admin does not have access to will either not be shown or will be visible and "greyed out" to the user. For issues related to website admin permissions, contact your organization's administrator.


Volleyball in Canada is organized with a unique National Federation (NF) and a unique Provincial or Territorial Association (P/TA) for each province/territory. P/TAs are able to establish associations as event organizers in the VRS under their jurisdiction. Such associations would only have visibility into their own participants and their own events, and they should be able to set fees and accept payment for their events/services and communicate/collaborate with members/registrants.


An association that organizes one or more volleyball teams in a specific province or territory. A Club will typically have one or more Club Contacts that serves as the points of contact for the Club. It also has a mailing address, phone, email address, Region and optionally a website. It also may be designated as an indoor club, outdoor club or both.

How to Register

As an individual:

Locate your desired club or PTA site or register directly to Volleyball Canada if applicable. Using the event search, locate the appropriate registration form. Registration forms will display relevant event information at the top of the form. Forms are completed in an easy 4 step process. First, enter your personal information. This may include parent information and can include a variety of optional or required information. Step 2 will display the program options available to you based on your personal information (age and gender). You must select one program but can select multiple products. Step 3 will allow you to review your information as well as the waiver, privacy and refund policies. Step 4 allows you to select your payment option and complete the registration process. Once submitted, you'll receive an email confirmation message. Please keep this confirmation message as it may contain important information regarding the program, event or competition you've registered for. Your email confirmation will also contain an access code that can be used to sign in to your registration account and register for further events.

After completing your first registration, use your access code to Sign In to your registration account. You'll see options for registering for more events. Selecting to "register now" saves time because all of the personal information in your account will pre-populate to the registration form. Proceed with the registration through to the final step.

When viewing a registration form without being logged in to your registration account provides you an option to say that you are a "returning" player (or coach or referee). Using your first name, last name, date of birth and access code, your personal information will pre-populate to the registration form. Proceed with the registration.

As a team:

Locate your desired club or PTA site or register directly to Volleyball Canada if applicable. Using the event search, locate the appropriate registration form. Registration forms will display relevant event information at the top of the form. Complete all required and optional information making note of how many players or coaching staff members are required. Many events may allow you to register your team without any players with an expectation that you will update your player roster before the event or roster lock date.

If you already have a team assigned to you and you have an access code, after locating your desired team registration form select the "Registered Here Before?" link. Enter your information and proceed. Your registration form will be pre-populated with the information that is already available. You may be required to complete any new questions asked on this form that have not been asked previously. Proceed with the registration.

If you've been given a website admin username and password, you can also select to register for events from your Team Admin, view/edit roster page. Select the event you wish to register for and proceed.

Getting Started

As a Volleyball Canada Admin, what should I do first?

As a PTA Admin, what should I do first?

As a Club Admin, what should I do first?