How do I add payments to my registration form?

27 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Registration - Tags: payments, adding, registration, programs

In the Master Menu under People go to Individual Registration Forms.
Within Manage Registration Forms click Edit by your registration form or type in the name of your registration form and click Create Registration Form.
Go to Step 2 Programs and Products.

There are three types of payments that can be added here:

Programs/Payment Types: 
Every registration form MUST have a Program/Payment type. This is the basic payments to your registration form which can include registration fees, tryouts fees, age group or skill level selection. Only one Program/Payment type can be selected during registration.

Products are additional payments added to your Program/Payments type. This can include merchandise (shirts, hats, etc), clinics and additional fees. You cannot purchase a product without a Program/Payment type. You can select more than one product.

Coupons/Discounts are negative amounts that can be applied to the above payments as discounts. A discount is an option that anybody can take advantage of as now coupon code is applied. A coupon is an option that only those who know a coupon code determined by an administrator can take advantage of the discount.

Adding a Program/Payment Type

  1. Beside the Add Payment Type button type in the name of your payment and click Add Payment Type.
  2. Click the Edit button beside the payment you have added.
  3. You have the ability to add the following restrictions:
    1. Gender - By Restrict Gender To select the radio button that applies.
    2. Age - By Age Restriction enter the From and To dates.
    3. Maximum number of registrants - Enter the maximum number of registrants that can register for this payment.
  4. Enter in the details for this payment under Payment Details. For example Tryout Fees or Registration Fees.
  5. Enter the amount for the payment under Amount.
  6. You can add a due date under the Due Date title. With this feature on that due date any registrants that have not paid will receive an email advising that they are currently not paid.
  7. Leave the checkbox under Active checked. If checked the payment will show on the public registration form. If unchecked the payment will not show on the public registration form.
  8. Once you have entered your necessary information click Save Changes.

Adding Late Fees to your Program/Payment Type

  • If you have an early bird fee, regular registration fee and/or late fee you will want to create three separate payments.
  • For the fees that are not active make sure to uncheck the Active checkbox. With the active checkbox unchecked the payment will not appear on the public side of the registration form. You will be able to go back and activate it at a later date by editing the payment and checking the Active checkbox and the clicking Save Changes.

**DO NOT DELETE, RENAME OR CHANGE PAYMENTS - If you delete, rename or change payments this will cause issues with completeing registration reports in the future as you will not be able to search for only those registered to the old payment. Make sure to add an additional payment.

Adding a Product

  • Beside the Add Product button type in the name of your product and click Add Product.
  • A form will appear to collect further information. Please enter the following information:
    • Price
    • Default Quantity - If you are using a number input you can default to have the product added to registration but the registrant will be able to remove it.
    • Category
    • Question Style -
      • Number Input - This is if you want a registrant to be able to purchase a quantity of a specific product.
      • Checkbox - This will show only a checkbox so only one of that product can be purchased.
    • Office Use Only
    • Description
  • Once your information is entered click Save Changes.


  1. Beside the Add Coupon/Discount button enter the name of your coupon/discount and click Add Coupon/Discount.
  2. The form for creating your coupon/discount will appear.
  3. Add in the amount of the discount beside Discount and choose from the dropdown if it will be a dollar amount or percentage.
  4. If you want to have them enter in a coupon code to receive the discount then enter the code beside Coupon Code.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Once all of your fees are completed click Save Programs and Products at the bottom of the page.