Changing Pricing On A Registration Form

23 Feb

How To Change Prices On Reg Forms

  1. Go to Master Menu > People > Individual Registration Forms.
  2. Click Edit on the registration form you want to edit.
  3. Click on STEP 2
  4. Under Program/Payment types you can either edit your existing payments or add a new payment

To Edit an Existing Payment:

Note that you should not change the price of any program once registrations into that program have been taken. Instead, make the original program inactive and create a new program with the new price.

  1. Click Edit on the specific program.
  2. Disable this payment by removing the check in the Active check box.
  3. Save the program.
  4. Add the new program with the new price
  5. Click Save Changes

To Add a New Payment:

  1. Type in the title of your new payment (EX: Atom AAA Tryout Fee)
  2. Click Add Payment Type and then "OK"
  3. Click Edit next to the newly created payment to finish setting this up.