Volleyball Canada - How to Manage a Club Registration Form

27 Feb

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Please Note - This help topic applies to Volleyball Canada organizations only

How to Manage a Club Registration Form

This task is completed by the P/TAs as part of their initial setup. A Club Registration form will be pre-populated to your PTA site, ready to collect club information. This help topic assumes that Regions have been added to the PTA site via Manage Associations. Click Here to learn more about Managing Regions.


Editing a Club Registration form is done in a 5 step process.

  1. Log in to the PTA site using the administrator login located in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select Individual Registration Forms
  3. Click Edit next to the form titled "Club Registration"
    If no Club Registration form exists, contact support@goalline.ca

Step 1 - Personal Information

  1. Do not edit the General Form Information except the Registration Closing Date; set as appropriate
  2. Enter (at least) the following Event Information
    1. Event Location (recommended - Use your province or territory)
    2. Event Start and End date
    3. Recommended - include contact information
  3. The form will automatically collect the following information regarding the club
    1. Club Name
    2. Club Acronym
    3. Club Address
    4. Club City
    5. Club Province
    6. Club Postal Code
  4. Using the Registrant Information Collected section select any information that must be collected from the club contact
    1. First name, last name, date of birth and email address must be collected
    2. Set any other required information as required
    3. Set any desired information as Yes
  5. If needed, create Extra questions to ask the registrant to collect additional information
    1. Text box and text area allow the contacts to enter free text
    2. Radio buttons and dropdown selections allow contacts to select one of the available options
    3. Check boxes allow the contacts to select multiple options from the available options
    4. Set extra questions as required if needed
    5. Office Only questions appear in the contact's profile but are not collected on the online form

6.Do not collect Parent 1 or Parent 2 information on the club registration form

  1. If desired, click the various links to insert additional instructions or information at the top of the form, above the contact's information or at the bottom of the form
  2. Click Save personal information

Step 2 - Programs and Products

  1. Add a Program/Payment Type labelled "Club Registration"
  2. Click Add Payment Type
  3. Enter "Club Registration" in the Payment Details section
  4. Enter any applicable fee owed by the club in the Amount
  5. Enter the applicable Tax 1 and Tax 2, GL code and Due Date
  6. Set the membership category requirement or select None Required
  7. Click Save Changes
  8. If applicable, add any Products, Coupons or Discounts
  9. If desired, click the links to insert additional instructions or information at the top of the form or at the bottom of the form
  10. Click Save Programs and Products

Step 3 - Policies

  1. A waiver must be entered. This can be a link to an existing waiver if desired.
  2. A privacy Policy must be entered.
  3. Provide a refund policy statement. This could be a statement that no refunds are available or that refunds are not applicable.
  4. Contact information for the PTA must be included. When credit card payments are allowed, a physical address must be included.
  5. Select an appropriate consent option
    Consent can be required in the form of a check box, a name input or none required
  6. If desired, click the link to insert additional instructions or information at the top of the form
  7. Click Save Policies

Step 4 - Payment Information

  1. Select yes or no to allow offline payments
  2. Select yes or no for allowing online payments
  3. If allowing online payments, select a payment gateway from the dropdown list.
  4. If desired, click the link to insert additional instructions or information at the top of the form
  5. If allowing offline payments, click the link to insert offline payment instructions
  6. Click Save Payment Information

Step 5 - Confirmation Message

  1. Registrar's Name and Email are required. These can be generic.
    The registrar's email will be the email address that the club contact receives the email confirmation from. Should the club contact reply to their confirmation email, the email address entered here will be the email address for the reply.
  2. If desired, enter an email address in the Copy Confirmation To (bcc) line. A copy of the confirmation email will be sent to the club contact as well as any email addresses in this field.
  3. Enter the email subject and body as desired. The subject will appear personalized with the name of the club.
  4. Use text placeholders to personalize any other information in the email body.
  5. Click Save Confirmation Information


To publish and unpublish the form:

  1. Log in to the PTA site using the administrator login located in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Select Individual Registration Forms
  3. Click Publish to publish the form
  4. If the form is already published, click Unpublish to remove the form from the public site