Team Control Panel Overview
Navigating to Team Control Panel
Using either the Team dropdowns shown in your control panel header, select the team you want to manage to navigate to that control panel.
Users who do not have permission for master menu items will either be brought directly to their team control panel OR will be required to select one from the list of teams they have permission for.
To return to the master menu, select the team menu and click on Master Menu.
Team Control Panel
Using the dropdown to select a team, navigate to the team control panel. Like with league admin tools, similar menu items are available here pertaining to the specific team selected.
Team Admin
From a team admin control panel, changes apply only to the specific team selected.
Users who have access to the league admin control panel do not have access to team admin control panel items, rather they’d manage the teams through the league admin control panel.
Websites admins with Main Contact permissions will have access to both menus.