Refund Registration Fees

27 Feb

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  1. Go directly to People - Find Players/Parents
    (Or Find Referees, View-Edit Coaches, Find Registrants - each registration form is for a specific person type. Instructions are exactly the same for performing refunds within each person type, this document will use Players as the example)

  2. Scroll to the registration information section of the search screen and select the registration form from the dropdown.
    NOTE - You must select a to and from date that captures all registrations. Recommended to open the from date selector and select the year 2017 (this will ensure all registrations on the form will be displayed).

  3. Once the form is selected, the programs will display. Select them all and click search athletes.

  4. When search results are displayed, each player profile is listed with an edit button.
    Ignore any unpaid or refunded transactions.

  5. Right click the edit button to open the profile in a new tab.
    NOTE - clicking edit will open the profile in your current tab, you will be unable to click back on your browser to return to search results; opening in a new tab is recommended.

  6. Registration records are shown on the right of the profile. To refund, click the refund button.
    NOTE - The refund you need to process may NOT be the first one listed so note the registration record title and scroll down if necessary.

  7. In the refund pop up, confirm the amount and comments.
    NOTE - Outcome should remain ‘Refunded amount remains to be paid’ if the registration should now be considered paid in full. You can follow up to remove the registration entirely following the completed refund.

  8. When the refund is complete, the status of the transaction will indicate it has been refunded. You must click OK and wait for the page to refresh and the status changed from paid in full to refunded.

    It will look like this for a moment:

Then the status will show like this:

  1. If the registration should no longer exist, you can click Remove Registration Record.
    NOTE - Removing a registration record does not refund the transaction, so if there is a refund required, this should be completed before opting to remove.
    If the transaction was removed and needs to be restored, please contact the Goalline support team and provide the name of the player and program details so that the registration can be restored.
    Removed registrations still appear in the Transaction Report but will not display in search results obtained from steps 2 through 4.

  2. Repeat with the next participant.