Player Waivers

06 Mar

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Player waivers can be enabled for your organization to allow sending of an electronic waiver to players on a roster for a single team or entire league.

Waivers are specific to a season and reset each new season.

To configure a waiver, provide your waiver language to the Goalline support team. Once configred, waivers can be sent from the league or team control panel.

To send waivers from the league menu:

  2. Select a league control panel for a division
  3. Click "Players/Parents"
  4. Click Email All Player Waivers
  5. When the waivers have been sent, this button can be clicked again and it only sends to players who have yet to consent.

To send waivers from the team menu:

  2. Select a team control panel for a team
  3. Click "Add Edit Delete Players/Parents"
  4. Click Email All Player Waivers
  5. When the waivers have been sent, this button can be clicked again and it only sends to players who have yet to consent.

What players receive:

Each player will receive an email similar to this (just an example from a demo site)

Following the link to the waiver will look like this:

Players will consent and submit.

Following the sending of waivers, each player profile will have an option to view the waiver(s). (Screenshot taken from Demo site as an example).