Goalline Control Panel Overview
This article describes the Goalline Admin Control Panel.
New User Menu
Your initials based on your name in your website admin profile display on the right of the screen. Clicking on this icon will open your user menu. Within this menu, you’ll see:
The name of the site you are logged into
Goalline has features that allow website administrators who are part of a network to have access to multiple sites. The site listed may include a dropdown option to select from the other sites you have access to. -
Go To Site
This replaces the previous icon for viewing the website. The website will open in a new tab. -
News and Updates
This will soon point to a new area of the Stack Sports website listing news about the platform and other news. -
Go directly to the Goalline FAQ. This is available even if not logged in by going to FAQ.goalline.ca. Use the FAQ to search for any specific help article or video tutorial, chat live to the support team, or submit a case to the support team. -
This takes you to the Stack Sports knowledge base. This will be the home of all support material in the future, but currently you’ll find it’s a searchable knowledge base with the same items as you’ll find in the FAQ.
The knowledge base includes all Stack Sports platforms, so for those who use more than one Stack product, this is a great place to look for help information. -
Go directly to the pre-recorded webinar listing to watch full webinars.
These will be updated to reflect the new look and features of Goalline in the near future. -
Log Out
When you’re finished your administrative session in Goalline, log out.
Master Menu Groupings
The control panel has been updated to group items into their appropriate sections. This is designed to make it easier to locate the specific items you’re looking for based on the category of the activity. You’ll find most areas are grouped with a ‘settings’ area where configuration tools are grouped.
Note that some features apply only to Club/Association organizations, some apply to League organizations, and there are configuration options that may suppress certain features.
Note also that each user has permissions granted to them either as a Main Contact or admin with specific permissions. Any features that a user does not have permission for will be shown but will be greyed out and will not be clickable.
Players & Parents
Create Player
Find Players
Assign Multiple Players
Import Players
Edit Player Info Displayed
Submit/View Player Evaluations
Individual Registration Forms
Create/Search/Import/Edit Info Displayed for Registrants
Team Registration Forms
Review Registered Teams
Create Coach
View-Edit (Find) Coaches
Import Coaches
Edit Coach Info Displayed
Manage Suspensions
Manage Website Admins
Boundary Maps
Default Permissions
Create Volunteer
Import Volunteers
Volunteer Search
Audit Log
Transaction Report
Executive Report
Find People
Text Message Report
Manage Email Sign Up List Members
Unsubscribed Email Addresses
User Email Settings
Send Email/Text Message Announcement
News Articles
Manage Files and Images
Manage Events
Create/Manage Webpages
Photo Galleries
Manage Ads
Ticker Announcements
Site Configuration
Standard Menu Settings
Manage Translations
Text Message Report
Review Registered Clubs
Add Products/Discounts
Product Upgrades
Upload Schedule
Club/Team List
Schedule Settings
Manage Schedules
Manage Seasons
Tie Breakers
Add/Edit Venues
Import Venues
Venue Time Summaries
Volunteer Tasks
Report Multiple Game Scores
Manage Association Teams
Manage Leagues
Manage Regions (may be labeled as club, district, zone, association)
Import Teams (for league teams only)
Create Official
Find Official
Import Officials
Edit Official Info Displayed
Edit Assignments
Availability Overview
Availability Date Range
*Game Change Requests
*Manually Set Availability
Assignment Preferences
Set Assignment Preferences
Review Assignment Preferences
System Preferences
Set Titles
Set Certification Levels
Certification Level League Qualifications
Set Assignable Venues
Incident Report Notifications
Official Evaluation Recipients
Pay Rates
Miscellaneous Pay Alterations
Payroll Summary
Billing Report
Game Count Per Team
Position Count Per League
Contact List
Display Assignments
View Evaluations
Submit Evaluation
Navigating to League/Team Control Panel
Using either the League or Team dropdowns shown in your control panel header, select the league or team you want to manage to navigate to that control panel.
Users who do not have permission for master menu items will either be brought directly to their league or team control panel OR will be required to select one from the list of leagues or teams they have permission for.
To return to the master menu, select the league or team menu and click on Master Menu.
League Control Panel
Using the dropdown to select a league, navigate to the league control panel. The features in the league control panel are similar to the Master Menu, but the activities performed from that menu are associated with that league and not with the entire site/organization as a whole.
For example, creating a news article from the League control panel adds the news to the division news on the public site, but does not add this news to the home page.
League Admin
From a league admin control panel, administrators can manage specifics regarding the teams that belong to that league. This includes things like managing rosters (both adding and releasing players or coaches), managing practice or game schedules, and reporting game scores.
Users who have access to the league admin control panel do not have access to the team admin control panel.
Websites admins with Main Contact permissions will have access to both menus.
Team Control Panel
Using the dropdown to select a team, navigate to the team control panel. Like with league admin tools, similar menu items are available here pertaining to the specific team selected.
Team Admin
From a team admin control panel, changes apply only to the specific team selected.
Users who have access to the league admin control panel do not have access to team admin control panel items, rather they’d manage the teams through the league admin control panel.
Websites admins with Main Contact permissions will have access to both menus.
All users can set their own favorites at the master menu, league admin, or team admin levels.
When logged in, if you have access to the master menu, you can set favorites there. Select the features you use most frequently at that menu and save. Next time you login, that’s what you’ll see first and you won’t have to go searching for those tools.
When in a team or league menu, manage your favorites as they apply to that specific menu.
Favorites are unique to the individual user.