Adding an Additional Website Administrator
- Go to Master Menu > People > Manage Website Admins.
- Click Add Admin.
- Choose whether this will be a league administration (league level access) or team administrator (team level access) by clicking Create League Administrator or Create Team Administrator.
- Add information in to the following fields
- First Name and Last Name
- Email Address - This is important because if this admin sends an email from the site and the recipient replies back it will come back to this email address.
- Title - This is good for managing admins if you need to review access. For example you could put PeeWee Coach, Registrar or Treasurer.
- Username and Password - This will be used for logging in to the site. Please make sure to keep the username and password as unpredictable as possible
- Referee In Chief - This determines who is the Referee in Chief for the organization.
- Security Access - Choose what access you would like to give the administrator. Please note that some access you want to be careful to give access to. For example in Association Wide there is an Add-Edit Website Admins option that you would want to limit. As well in the team/league permissions there is an Add-Edit Practices that would give them access to managing all venues on the site.
- Once the information has been entered click the Enter button and the administrator will be created.
- Please note you can also use the check boxes for Email login and password information and Generate Username and Password automatically.
** If this user should be added as an additional contact on your account with full site access, please contact GOALLINE support.