Volleyball Canada - How to Create a Team Registration Form - Step 2

18 Feb

Please Note - This help topic applies to Volleyball Canada organizations only

How to Create a Team Registration Form - Step 2

In this tutorial, we're going to cover how you create a


Step 2 - Person Information


  1. Extra Questions to Ask at the Top of the Form
    1. Enter the question to ask in the Question Title field.
    2. Select from the drop down list the Question Style
      Text Box - small text box, free field for a text or number input
      Text Area - large text area for several lines of free text or number input
      Radio Buttons - Provide multiple options. Only one option may be selected on the form by clicking on the radio button
      Dropdown Selection - Provide multiple options. Only one option may be selected on the form by clicking on the dropdown and making a selection
      Checkboxes - Provide multiple options. More than one option can be selected by clicking on the check boxes
    3. Questions will appear in the order they are entered. Enter numbers in the Order field to set the order questions should display.
    4. Extra questions can be set as required. Select Yes from the drop down list if the extra question should be required.
    5. Office Only questions are not available on the public side of the form. The Office Only fields appear in the team profile to be updated by an administrator when reviewing team registrations.
    6. Once questions have been added, they can be deleted by selecting Yes in the dropdown list.


  1. Coaching Staff - Coaching staff is not required but can be collected. This section allows each team event registration form to collect the appropriate information regarding coaching staff.
    1. Enter the title to appear above the coaching staff section in the text area
    2. If collecting Head Coach information, select Required
    3. Select required, yes or no to collect Assistant Coach 1, 2 or 3, Manager and Trainer information
    4. Using the drop down list, select the coaching staff position who will be the main contact or, select that the main contact is a new person (who is not necessarily part of the coaching staff)
    5. Enter the label to appear for the Main Contact
    6. If the main contact should be added as a Team Administrator with team specific permissions, select yes when asked to Add Main Contact as a Team Administrator."


  1. Coaching Staff Personal Information - The information set to be collected here will be asked of all coaching staff members being collected on the form
    1. Select required if collecting birthdate information for coaching staff
    2. Select required if collecting phone or phone 2 and enter the title to display for the specific phone numbers. Examples would be home phone or mobile phone.
    3. If the main contact should provide full contact information including address information, select yes or required when asked to " Collect Full Information From the Main Contact"
    4. If all main contacts are expected to be from the same country, enter the default country in the text area
    5. Enter any Extra Questions to ask each member of the coaching staff.


  1. Extra Questions to ask After the Coaching Staff Section - If there are any questions to ask about the team, the event or any other information needed, enter the questions in this section.


  1. Players - Set information on what player information will be collected
    1. If a minimum number of players is required, select the minimum from the drop down list
    2. If a maximum number of players is required, select the maximum from the drop down list
    3. If affiliate players (call up players from a different team) are allowed, select yes
    4. If there is a maximum number of affiliate players allowed, select the maximum from the drop down list
    5. If there is anything special to note about affiliate players, enter the note when asked "Note on Affiliate Players."
    6. Select required, yes or no for any information that should be collected for each player being entered on the form
    7. Enter any Extra Questions to ask each player


  1. Extra Questions to Ask at the Bottom of the Form - If there are any questions to ask about the team, the event or any other information needed, enter the questions in this section.


  1. Click "Save Form Information" and proceed to step 3