Mobile App - Help and Support

27 Feb

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Mobile App How-To

So you’ve downloaded the GOALLINE Mobile App...great news! We are working hard to put the power of GOALLINE in the palm of your hand! New for this release of the app is team attendance for games and practices and an enhanced messaging feature that makes communicating effortless between coaches, players and parents.

As an Administrator

It is your job to ensure all your players, parents, and coaches emails are current. The app and site for team administrators, coaches and players are tied to each other via email and access codes aren’t used on the app.. A coach has the ability to see and edit Team Attendance and manage followers. If an Main Administrator would like to grant them more permission to add and edit games and practices, they must be added as a Team Admin. This is up to the discretion of the Main Admin for the organization.

To create a Team Admin, log on to the Admin Dashboard on your GOALLINE site. Follow these steps:

Admin Dashboard > Main Menu > People > Manage Website Admins.

You will see a list of your website administrators, and from there you will want to Add Admin. For coaches you need to Create Team Administrator. Follow the steps and grant them the permissions they’ll need by clicking on the league in which their team plays on your site. Once completed they will be given those permissions on the site, and the relevant permissions on the app.

To ensure a player’s email is up-to-date, follow these steps:

Admin Dashboard > Main Menu > People > Find Players / Parents.

To ensure coach emails are up-to-date, follow these steps:

Admin Dashboard > Main Menu > People > View – Edit Coaches

You can also Create Coach in the People button.

You can search for a player/coach/teams in multiple ways. With our Online Registration tools your player and possibly a parent will be required to provide an email address, and as such this email will already be included in that child or player profile. A player must use the email they have provided, and a parent can also gain access to their child’s attendance and messaging assuming their email is listed in the profile and different from their child’s indicated email.

Any request for access will come back to you as the administrator, so ensuring emails are current will go a long way in ensuring teams, players and coaches are set up correctly from the start.

Admin permission allows you to:

  • Edit team attendance for any player and view a summary of team attendance
  • Send, create, and delete messages
  • Manage users
  • Add and edit games, practices, and venues
  • View games, practices, news, events, and venues
  • Invite followers

As a Coach

As a Coach, signing up gives you the ability to see and edit Team Attendance and Manager Followers, among all player capabilities. You must be listed as a Team Admin for permissions to adjust Games, Practices, and Events (which a player cannot do). Your website administrator must provide you Team Admin access (see above).

Signing up as a Coach allows you to:

  • Edit team attendance for any player and view a summary of team attendance
  • Send and create messages
  • Manage Followers - specifically messaging groups
  • Add and edit games, practices, and venues (with Team Admin permissions)
  • View games, practices, news, events, and venues
  • Invite followers

As a Player

You must use the email on your GOALLINE profile when you sign up. If not, you will still be able to follow a team, but will not be granted access to your attendance. This will give you permissions to:

  • Set your personal attendance and view a summary of team attendance
  • Send and create messages
  • Invite followers
  • View games, practices, news, events, and venues

As a Parent

You must use the email associated with your child’s profile on GOALLINE. If you do not know this email, consult your Team Admin or the Main Admin for the organization. As a Parent you can register either with the email you provided as a parent or the email associated with your child as a player. This will give you permissions to:

  • Set your child’s attendance and viewing a summary of team attendance
  • Send and create messages as the name you signed up with
  • Invite followers
  • View games, practices, news, events, and venues

Home Page

Your home page is where you’ll see all the teams you follow, whether you are logged in or not. Your Home Page displays all teams you follow, whether you are a coach, player or fan.

From this screen you can find your teams, un-follow them, and access the Menu for further navigation.


The Menu is used as the launch point for getting started in the app, controlling what notifications will be sent your way, and finding the teams your email login is associated with.

The ‘What’s Next’ feature allows you to view all your games, practices, and events in one place to keep you connected no matter what sports you coach or play. From there you can see your teams, search for teams you’re associated with through Find Team and Suggested Teams.

There is a notifications page collating your notifications from all your teams, which also accessible through the menu.

Logging In

Our GOALLINE App works seamlessly with your GOALLINE site. Your website administrator lays the groundwork for coaches, players and parents to communicate their attendance for games and practices, keep up to date with team news and events, and message one another instantly!

To gain automated access to your team, you must ensure that you are using the email address associated with your profile on your GOALLINE site. So, if you are not currently using Online Registration for your association or team website, your website administrator or Team Admin (with proper website permissions) must ensure that all emails are up-to-date so that you can access your attendance and messaging permissions with that team. As a parent, your email must be input as a Parent in your child’s profile for you to also similar access to your child’s attendance. You can access and set your child’s attendance, as well as post messages in team messaging.

Finding & Following Your Team

To find your team you can search for your team by name or Team ID through the GOALLINE App, search by team name. Your Team ID number is four to six digits and is the identifier through all GOALLINE products. This Team ID can be found on your Team Page on your website.

Be specific when searching your team as there are over 20,000 teams on GOALLINE sites! Once you have found your team through the Find Team function, follow that team. If your email is present on your GOALLINE profile, you will be able to access messaging and attendance features automatically. Any parent’s email address must be associated with your child’s profile to access these features.

Setting Notifications

New for GOALLINE 4.0, native notifications will be available. This will ensure you are in the loop with games, practices, events, and news all in one place. You will be prompted to accept these notifications when you follow a team for the first time, or continuously after following a team if you have not accepted the notifications the first time.

You can edit what notifications you receive by going to Settins in the menu.

What you’ll see on Your Team Page

Games & Practices

Your entire schedule is automatically fed from your GOALLINE site into our app. If your team or association does not track schedules through their website, a team admin with Team Admin permissions can add games and practices from the GOALLINE App. As a player you can set your attendance and see your teammate’s attendance, as a coach you can edit any players’ attendance and get a game attendance summary. Coaches (with proper permissions) and administrators can add games and practices directly through the app that will populate on their team’s schedule.

Events & News

You have access to any Events and News Articles posted to your GOALLINE site. Permissions to add events and create news articles can be granted to a coach by your website administrator. Events and News cannot be created through the app.


New in the GOALLINE App is an enhanced messaging feature. As a coach, player or parent you can create messages, reply to others, all done instantly through the app.

Invite Followers

This feature allows your fans, friends and relatives the ability to follow your teams! They will not have attendance or messaging capabilities, but can follow your games, practices and team news all through the GOALLINE App!

Manage Followers

Here your website administrator or coach can grant or take away permissions to manage aspects of the app and website.

These same permissions can also be granted through your GOALLINE site. Get in touch with the main contact for your organization if you feel you should be granted certain permissions.