iCal Calendar Subscription

27 Feb

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You first need to obtain the iCal URL address from the team schedule by clicking on Subscribe/Download Season Schedule at the bottom of the calendar, then left click on "Right click on this link and select "Copy Link" or "Copy Shortcut,", copy the URL address at the top of the browser address bar, then paste this into your calendar program to subscribe to this schedule.

To subscribe:
1. In iCal, choose Subscribe from the Calendar menu.
2. Type the URL for the website where the schedule is published.
3. Name the Calendar
4. Check the “Refresh” checkbox to have iCal automatically update your copy of the calendar when the league publishes updates (It may ask which option you want regarding how often it updates). 
5. Click the Subscribe button.
And you’re done!  iCal adds the schedule to your Calendars list and places a curved arrow next to it. Double-click the name if you’d like to change it, but you can’t make any other changes to a calendar you’re subscribing to.