How to Create a Time Slot

23 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Schedule Tools - Tags: time, slot, slots, create

Time Slots is a feature that must be activated by GOALLINE Support. Please read the following FAQ on What are Time Slots to decide if you would like to use this feature.

  1. In the Master Menu under Scheduling choose Venue Time Slots.
  2. You can narrow down your search for the time slots you would like to view/create or just enter the From Date and To Date and click Display Week.
  3. You are then able to click on the day and time or choose Add Booking/Slots.
  4. A pop up window will appear with the following information:
    • Venue: Select your venue from the dropdown for the time slots.
    • Start Date/End Date: Select the first and last date for your time slots with the same criteria being entered.
    • Start Time/End Time: This would be the start time of the first game and end time of the last game if the time slots are being added back to back.
    • Weekdays: Select the days of the week the time slots will be added to.
    • Conflict Handling: Choose one of the following:
      • Abort (Cancel the operation and not add/edit any slots)
      • Skip (Leave conflicting slots unchanged)
      • Update (Update/Overwrite conflicting slots to match)
    • Slot Duration: Choose how long each time slots should be.
    • Slot Type:
      • Free -The time slot can be used for either a game or practice.
      • Game - The time slot can only be used for games.
      • Practice - The time slot can only used for practices.
      • Scheduler - The time slot can only be used within the Schedule Generator.
      • Game Schedule - The time slot can only be used within the Schedule Generator for games.
      • Practice Scheduler - The time slot can only be used within the Schedule Generator for practices.
    • League: If this time slot is for a specific league/team only then choose the league.
    • Team: If the time slot is for a specific team only then choose the team.
  5. Once all of the information has been updated click Save Changes and your time slot will appear on the calendar.

If you are unsure how to claim a time slot please see the FAQ article How to Claim an Individual Time Slot.