How to Claim an Individual Time Slot

23 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Schedule Tools - Tags: time, slot, slots, claim

Time slots must be created by your organization in order to be claimed. If you are unsure how to create a time slot please see the FAQ article How to Create a Time Slot. If you do not have access to adding time slots please contact your organization to see if your time slot can be added. If the feature is not activated please read the following FAQ on What are Time Slots to decide if you would like to use this feature.

Claiming a Time Slot for a Game

  1. Select your team/league from the Team Menus or League Menus dropdowns.
  2. Under Scheduling choose Add-Edit-Delete Games to claim a game.
  3. Select your Venue, From Date and To Date then click Find Time Slots.
  4. Under Time Slot will be a list of time slots at that venue between the selected dates.
  5. Select your Time Slot, Visiting Team and Home Team. You can also choose to add Game Details and choose to show these game details publicly by checking Show Publicly.
  6. Scroll down and click Create Game.

Claiming a Time Slot for a Practice

  1. Select your team/league from the Team Menus or League Menus dropdowns.
  2. Under Scheduling choose Add-Edit-Delete Practices to claim a game.
  3. Select your Venue, From Date and To Date then click Find Time Slots.
  4. Under Choose a Time Slot will be a list of time slots at that venue between the selected dates.
  5. Select your Time Slot, Team and Practice Type. You can also choose to add Practice Details and choose to show these practice details publicly by checking Yes for Would you like to display the practice details on the schedule?.
  6. Scroll down and click Enter Practice.