How Do I Create A Playoff Schedule?

23 Feb

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Step 1: Creating the schedule.

  1. Go to Master Menu > Scheduling > Manage Schedules.
  2. Enter a Schedule Name. For example Playoffs, Championship Round, Elimination.
  3. Choose Playoff-brackets as your Schedule Type.
  4. Select the league you would like to apply this to by checking the leagues under Add this schedule to the following league:.
  5. Set up your default settings.
  6. Click Create Schedule(s).

Step 2: Entering League Details to the Playoff Schedule

Now that you have created a Playoff schedule go to your league that you would like to set this up for by selecting your league from the League Menu in the right hand corner.

  1. Under Schedule Tools go to Edit Schedule Details.
  2. Update the details so they are specific to this league/tournament.
  3. The Playoff Schedule should be inactive until the Feeding (Round Robin) schedule is completed. Ensure that "Is this the active schedule to be shown when a user clicks "Standings"?" is set to No. Once the Feeding schedule is complete go back to Edit Schedule Details and update this to Yes. This will finalize the Feeding Schedule and input the team names to their proper categories.
  4. Under Schedule Information please select the round you would like to set the seeds up for by choosing it from the dropdown beside Feeding Schedule
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click Click here to edit the schedule details.

Step 3: Adding Games

Once the details have been set up we will now need to set up the games.

  1. Go back to your league menu and select Playoff Series Setup under Schedule Tools.
  2. Set up your first round and series by selecting who should be playing from the Top Seed and Bottom Seed dropdown menus.
  3. Choose how the winner is determined by selecting either Wins Needed, Points Needed or Total Goals. Select the number of win, points or games from the dropdown by the radio button selection.
  4. Click Submit Round 1 Series A.
  5. Once you are done the first round click the button Go to Round 2.

Repeat these instructions until your final round has been set.

Step 4: Scheduling Games

Your games have been set up but the must now be scheduled.

  1. Click Schedule Games by the series you would like to schedule. This will take you to the Create Game page.
  2. Add your Visitor Team, Home Team, Venue, Game Date, Game Time and Allotted Venue Time. You can also add Game Details and choose to Show Publicly those details.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Create Game.
  4. Choose your next series from the Series dropdown on the right side of the page and click Switch Series.
  5. Your new series will appear on the schedule.