How Do I Add, Edit Or Delete Practices For All Teams?

27 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Schedule Tools

To Add-edit Or Delete Practices For All Teams On The Site

  1. From the Master Menu select Schedule Tools
  2. Select Practices
  3. Select the Venue
  4. Select the Practice Type:
    • Full - Used when only one team will be practicing on the venue
    • Half - Used when two teams will be practicing on the venue
    • Shared - Used when two or more teams will be practicing on the same venue
    • Off - Used when creating a dry-land or classroom practice.
  5. Select the team(s) based on the practice type selection.
  6. Select the Practice Date, Practice Start Time and Practice End Time.
  7. Enter Practice Details. (i.e. "Bring your blue socks")
  8. Select yes or no for "Would you like to display the practice details on the schedule?" If you select yes, this will appear on the public side of the calendar. No is for internal note.
  9. Check the box for "Is this a recurring practice?" and then set up the recurring practice options.
  10. Select Enter Practice.

During the creation of the practice you can choose to email certain people about the practice and if you have the text messaging module enabled, can also send as a text message.