Edit Referee Assignments

27 Feb

To assign referees to games, start from the Master Menu and select the Officials tab and click Edit Referee Assignments. This tutorial assumes that the referee system has been setup according to the instructions available here and that schedules have been added.

  1. Select your criteria for what you’d like to display
  2. Select an override (if activated) if desired
  3. Group by Venue if desired
  4. Click Display Assignments
  5. Using the drop down menus for each position, select a referee to fill the space
  6. Select “Not Required” or “Up for Grabs” (if activated) for positions when desired
  7. If there is no drop down and it says “none available” then no qualified referees are available with the venue selected as preferred or acceptable in the system for that position in that division at that time. Update referees if possible or use an override (if available)
  8. When finished assigning, click Save Changes:
    1. New Assignments as Draft – This saves assignments in draft mode (colour coded yellow when displaying assignments after saving). Referees are not emailed the assignments. Assignments will not show in the referee control panel. Saving in draft mode will allow assignors to save potential assignments without creating them, should changes need to be made.
    2. New Assignments as Pending, Email Referees – Assignments are created and referees are considered “pending” (colour coded red when displaying assignments after saving). Referees will receive an email informing them that they have been assigned a game and should login to their control panel to confirm or decline their pending assignments.
    3. New Assignments as Pending, Do Not Email Referees - Assignments are created and referees are considered “pending” (colour coded red when displaying assignments after saving). Referees will not receive an email notifying them that they have been assigned a game. The assignments will show in the referee control panel to be accepted or declined.
    4. New Assignments as Confirmed, Email Referees - Referee assignments displayed will be saved as confirmed, eliminating the need for the referee to log in and confirm/decline their assignment. They will be emailed a notification that they have been assigned to game(s).
    5. New Assignments as Confirmed, Do Not Email Referees - Referee assignments displayed will be saved as confirmed, eliminating the need for the referee to log in and confirm/decline their assignment. They will not be emailed a notification that they have been assigned to games. This option is used mainly for making corrections to previous assignments, or when an assignor has clearly communicated with the referee via other means.


After Assignments have been created:

Referees will confirm or decline their assignments. Confirmed assignments are colour coded blue when displaying assignments. Declined assignments are colour coded black.

If a referee is unable to login to their control panel to confirm or decline their assignments but they contact the assignor, this can be done manually. Edit Referee Assignments for the game in question, click on the name of the referee. The assignor will then be able to click on the drop downs for the positions on that game. The assignor can change the status to either Not Required, Up For Grabs, [Referee Name] Confirmed, Pending, Late or Absent. The assignor can also change the referee to another qualified and available referee from the list below.

Reset Pending States to Draft – If referees have yet to confirm or decline their assignments and the assignor wants to reassign the games, they can use this button to remove the assignments from any pending state referees. The game will no longer be available to confirm or decline in the referee control panel.

Email Pending Referees – If referees are pending and the assignor would like to remind the referees to go in and confirm or decline their games, they can use this button. A pop up email form will appear and upon saving the email will go to any referees in pending state on the edit referee assignments form.


Important Note – When in Edit Referee Assignments, if “Create Assignments and Email Referees” is selected, all referees assigned on that page will be emailed. If referees have already confirmed their assignments, they will receive another email. If this option is selected more than once, the referees will be emailed more than once. To avoid sending multiple emails, save in draft mode until assignments are ready to be created then select the option to create and email. If changes are made to assignments at a later date, isolate the game by clicking on the name of any of the assigned referees, make changes and then select the appropriate option for creating the new assignments.