Auto Assign

27 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Referee Management

  • I want to automatically assign my referees based on a set of preferences
  • I do not want to manually assign officials one at a time


Assigning will be done in "shifts" up to three (3) games in a row. Games are considered to be back-to-back as part of a shift when they occur at the same venue and have no more than 15 minutes between the end of one game and the start of another. The games in a shift do not have to be in the same league and do not require the same referee qualifications. Whenever possible, referees will be automatically assigned to all games in a shift. Factors that may result in a referee being assigned to a single game in a shift would include qualifications, availability, max games per day/week and/or game count.


Setting Up

In order for auto assign to work, Referees must have:

  1. qualifications set up
  2. availability set
  3. venue preferences set

Assignment Preferences must be completed:
System (all fields must have a value)
League (all fields must have a value) {specific} league(s) (leagues that will be assigned using Auto Assign must have required positions as well as any exceptions to the system/league preferences)

*A zero value can be entered for preferences that the organization does not with to take into account
Required Positions must be set appropriately for each league. Select each position and ensure any identical positions are each checked. Do not check off any positions that are not required for that specific league.
Order Preferences according to their importance

Preferences Defined

Consecutive Games (Min)

a value of 1 here means that you will be able to auto assign an official to a single game. 2 or more in this field will only assign an official who is able to be assigned to at least 2 consecutive games.

Consecutive Games (Max)

a referee will not be assigned to more than X consecutive games, regardless of availability or other preferences.

Max Games (Day)

a referee will not be assigned to more than X games in any given day, regardless of availability or other preferences.

Max Games (Week)

a referee will not be assigned to more games if they have reached the maximum number of games for the week.

Wait Minutes

Regardless of the end time set in the game details (of the schedule), a referee will not be available to assign to another game until X minutes after the start of an existing assignment.

Max Games (Team)

A referee will not be assigned to more than X games involving the same team.

Availability Weight

A value of zero (0) here will simply take into account if the referee is available or not. Any other value will be setting a weighted preference for referees who have more availability than others, essentially rewarding officials who have more availability than others.