Advanced Ref - Game Change Requests

22 Feb

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When using Goalline’s Advanced Ref system, games scheduled in team or league menus are automatically fed to the assigning module. By default, when those games are edited for date, time, and/or venue, the officials are unassigned and the schedule is updated. This is so that officials are not automatically reassigned to games that may no longer fit their preferences.

Using the new Game Change Request feature, changes to the date, time, and/or venue of a game will result in a request being sent to the official assignor. The request can be reviewed with relevant information such as other scheduled games on the requested game date as well as all assigned officials. The assignor can then make an informed decision and determine, for each request, if the game can be changed as requested and what happens to each assigned official.

Who would use this feature?

  • Organizations where schedules and officials are not maintained by the same individuals or even by the same association require additional security measures with respect to schedules and official assignments.

  • When the officials association must first confirm that the requested change can be accommodated without conflicts with the venue and with adequate officials to assign.

How do I enable this feature?

Contact the Goalline support team to enable Game Change Request for your Advanced Ref module. This change will affect all schedules that send games to the assigning system.

How does it work?

Once enabled, game change requests are initiated when games are edited through the Add-Edit-Delete Games tool.

Changes to the date, time, and venue will result in a change request. Changes to the teams involved in the game will not result in a change request. Team changes may be saved without affecting the officials assigned to the game.

When enabled, all schedules in the Goalline network will be subject to the request feature. All game changes will result in a request that must be approved or denied.

“I am the scheduler for my league or team.”

  1. From the Master Menu, League Control Panel, or Team Control Panel, go to the Schedules section

  2. Select Add-Edit-Delete Games for the appropriate schedule
    If you are on the Master Menu, select the appropriate league and schedule.

  3. Create a game and save.

  4. The assignor will assign officials to the game as usual

  5. When a game requires an edit, repeat steps 1 and 2

  6. Using the search criteria on the right side of the page, click edit on the game you need to edit

  7. Changing team information does not require approval and you may save your changes.

  8. Change the date, time, and/or venue

  9. A message will appear if officials are already assigned to this game advising that a request will be sent.

    game change first message.PNG

  10. Click to Submit Game Change Request

    submit request rather than save.PNG

  11. A confirmation will display that the request has been submitted and will be reviewed.

    ga,e change request first message.PNG

  12. The public schedule for this game will update to display TBA.

    game change tbs on sched.PNG

  13. If the request is approved, you will receive an email advising that the change has been approved.

    game change approved email.PNG

  14. If the request is denied, you will receive an email advising that the change has been denied.
    A message from the assignor will be included in your email, and this message should provide details on why the request was not approved.

    game change denied email.PNG

  15. The public facing schedule for this game will update to display the new (or original in the case of the request being denied) game details.

“I am the officials assignor.”

  1. As games are scheduled, assign officials using the Edit Official’s Assignments tool

  2. An email will be sent when a game change request has been submitted.
    Details of the change will be included in the email.

    game change email.PNG

  3. Login to the admin control panel

  4. From the Officials section, select “Game Change Requests.”

    pending game change requests.PNG

  5. All current requests will be listed.
    Note the original details, requested details, and assigned officials.

    request screen.PNG

  6. If more details are required, click on the requested date hyperlink.

  7. The new window will provide a listing of all games scheduled on that date.
    Filter this list by association, venue, or league/division.
    Assigned officials will display for all games.
    Close this window when no longer needed.

    view other games on requested date.PNG

  8. To deny a request, click Deny

  9. Enter text in the dialogue box that will be emailed to the requester.

    game change deny dialogue.PNG

  10. To approve a request, click Approve.

  11. All assigned officials will be listed.

  12. Select an action for each official

    1. No Change (assigned official remains assigned in current state)

    2. Official to Confirm (Return official to pending status)

    3. Unassign (Assignor must then assign a new official)

    4. Up For Grabs (Allow the position to be claimed through UFG)

  13. Optionally enter a custom comment for each specific official.
    This comment will appear in the email they receive as confirmation of the game change and the assignor’s action.

  14. Optionally enter a comment to the administrator who requested the change.

    options for refs on change request.png

  15. Click Save.

“I am an official.”

  1. Confirm and decline assignments as usual.

  2. When a game change request has been submitted, the assignor will review and approve or deny the request.

  3. If denied, assigned officials are unaffected.

  4. If approved, the official will receive an email from the system including a specific comment from the assignor (or default comment that the change is the result of the game being changed).

    1. No Change - You are still confirmed for the game and must take note of the new game details

    2. To reconfirm - You are assigned to the game with its new details and must confirm or decline your assignment

    3. Unassigned - You have been unassigned from the changed game

game change ref email.PNG
game change ref email pending.PNG