Why can't I assign a referee to back-to-back games?

30 Jan

Permalink    |    Topic: Referee Management

Why can't I assign a referee to back-to-back games?

My referee is available and qualified but I can't assign them to a certain game

  1. First check that the venues are the same for both games. If the venue appears to be the same, check the venues listed on the site to ensure that there is not a duplicate venue. Check that the postal code/zip code is the same for both venues.
  2. If a referee is not qualified to officiate in one of the back-to-back games, they will need to be assigned using an override.
  3. Game duration - If the first game is set to end at 12:15 and the second game is set to begin at 12:00, the referee cannot be assigned back-to-back games. They will need to adjust the game duration or end time in order to remove the conflict.