To seamlessly upload a schedule file to the site, everything should be prepared prior to uploading the schedule. Please ensure that all venues, teams (including opposition teams) and leagues are added to the site first. If you require a season rollover as you are preparing a new season please also complete this prior to uploading the schedule. Please see Manage Season and Manage Schedule for assistance.
Creating the Schedule File
The best place to start when creating a schedule file is to download the schedule template. (Please see attachment). It can also be found by logging in to your site and choosing "Upload Schedule File" under Schedule Tools in the Master Menu or in the League/Team menu. When you are on the Schedule Upload page there are three templates at the bottom of the page you can choose to download. Each template has a different date format.
Once you download the file you can begin adding information within Excel. Please see the explanation for each column:
Home Team (Mandatory) - This is where you add the home team.
Visitor Team (Mandatory for games) - This is where you add the visitors team. You leave this blank for practices.
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) or (MM/DD/YYYY) or (DD/MM/YYYY) (Mandatory) - This is the date of your game/practice and the format the dates should be in.
Start Time (HH:MM AA) (Mandatory) - This is the scheduled start time of the game. Please enter in either am/pm (8:00 pm) or military time (16:00).
Duration (minutes) (Mandatory) - This is how many minutes the game will be played. Only a number is needed. For example an hour would be 60.
Details - The information added here will appear in the game/practice details.
Show Details (Y/N) - If you would like the game/practice details to appear add a Y to the cells in this column.
League Name (Mandatory in uploading from the Master Menu) - Enter the league for the teams you are uploading these games/practices in to.
Practice Type (Shared or Full) - You can add Shared, Half or Full. Full is a one team practice. Half is a practice for only two teams. Shared is a multiple team practice. This is for practices only
Schedule Name (Mandatory) - Enter the name of the schedule you are adding the games in to. For example: Regular Season, Exhibition or Practice.
Venue (Mandatory) - Enter the name of the venue for the game/practice.
Once you add the information to your file you will want to make sure your dates all have the same format. This is a two step process:
Step 1:
Step 1:
- Click on the letter of the column you have the date in (in the template it is C).
- In the tool bar at the top, select the "Data Tab"
- Select "Text To Columns", which is located in the Data Tools section.
- Step 1 - the radial button should be set to Delimited.
- Step 2 - Tab should be checked
- Step 3 - Select the date radial button and select the format matching how the date is appearing. (IE - If the date is showing as 09/12/13, then you should select MDY.
- Select Finish (No changes may have occurred.
Step 2:
- Click on the letter of the column you have the date in (in the template it is C).
- Right click and choose "Format Cells".
- Choose Date and for the Locale (location) choose English (Canada) from the dropdown. Choose the YYYY-MM-DD option (Recommended). If you choose to use another date format you will need to select another option.
- Click OK.
Once this is complete choose "Save As" and save the file as a .csv file CSV (Comma Delimited) for Windows computers or CSV (Windows) for MAC computers.
Uploading the Schedule File
- In the Master Menu or Team/League Menu choose "Upload Schedule File" under Schedule Tools.
- Browse your computer for the file by choosing "Choose File".
- Choose the file then click Open and choose Upload.
- Match the headers of your columns to the appropriate options. If they are the exact names they will automatically match. If you don't want to use a column choose "Disreagard".
- Choose No for Import the first (highlighted) row? if you have your headers entered. If you do not have headers choose Yes. Choose continue.
- Look through the list of games/practices. If there is red rows or you see a date that is not correct you will need to update your file. Special characters or incorrect date format are the most common upload issue. If everything looks OK choose Continue.
- You will be taken through a series of matching information. If the information in your file matches the information in GoalLine they will automatically match. If the information does not match you will need to choose the information from a dropdown.
- You will need to match the following:
- Leagues
- Teams
- Schedules
- Venues
- Practice Types (only if uploading practices)
- Once you match the information choose "Continue" and then confirm your match by hitting continue on the next page. Once the match is complete hit continue.
- Once the matching process is complete the GoalLine system will let you know what was uploaded or what was not uploaded. If there was duplicates or conflicts the GoalLine system will advise you of this so you can update your games/practices.
If you are having difficulty with the upload please contact support at support@goalline.ca or 1-866-443-4625 ext 2