Registration Emails Explained

22 Feb

Registration Emails Explained

The GOALLINE system will send automatic email notifications as part of the Individual or Team registation processes. This article will outline what emails will be sent after the registration process is complete.

Individual Registration

Individual registration includes any registrations for one specific person (not a team) as a player, coach, official, registrant, or volunteer. When the process has been completed, regardless of the method of payment, a GOALLINE system confirmation email will be sent.

Individual Confirmation email

What does it do?

Confirms that the registration has been properly submitted and is available to the organization to review.

What does it say?

Individual registration confirmation emails are configured by the organization offering the form. It is recommended that these emails include a receipt (or amount due in the case of offline payment options), access codes (used for future registrations or accessing a personal registration account) and any other program specific information the organization should provide.

How is it enabled and disabled?

Individual registration forms must include a confirmation email in order to be published.

When is the email sent?

As soon as the final confirm/submit button is clicked.

Team Registration

Team registration forms are designed to register a team (at least the team name and at least one team contact) into a league/division. These are often used for leagues to have teams register and pay team fees or tournaments to have teams register to participate in a tournament. When the registration process is complete, a series of emails will be sent based on how the organization has configured their registration form.

Team Confirmation email

What does it do?

Confirms that the registration has been properly submitted and is available to the organization to review.

What does it say?

Team registration confirmation emails are configured by the organization offering the form. It is recommended that these emails include a receipt (or amount due in the case of offline payment options) and any other program specific information the organization should provide.

How is it enabled and disabled?

Team registration forms must include a confirmation email in order to be published. If the team registration form is configured to allow online payments AND the organization has chosen to automatically accept team registrations when the payment (if applicable) was made online, the confirmation email will not be sent (the acceptance email described below will be sent).

When is the email sent?

As soon as the final confirm/submit button is clicked.

Team Acceptance email

What does it do?

After the organization has reviewed the teams registered for their league, tournament or event, they can Accept teams. When a team is accepted, the Acceptance email is sent. While the content of this email is customizable, it generally includes basic information regarding the event, or may simply state that "Your team has been accepted."

What does it say?

Team registration acceptance emails are configured by the organization offering the form. It is recommended that these emails include a receipt (or amount due in the case of offline payment options) and any other program specific information the organization should provide. It should be noted that the team is officially accepted as part of the league/tournament they have registered for.

How is it enabled and disabled?

It is not required to configure an acceptance email. If the email has not been configured, it will not send.

When is the email sent?

As soon as the team has been accepted.

Personnel email

What does it do?

Advises the participants (players and coaches) that have been registered with the team that they have been registered as part of the team's roster.

What does it say?

A template of basic information regarding the team information and contact that registered the participant will be sent. The organization offering the form has an option to include additional information.

How is it enabled and disabled?

This is an automatic email that does not need to be configured. This email cannot be disabled.

When is the email sent?

As soon as the team has been accepted.

Roster lock email

What does it do?

Indicates to the coaching staff of a team that the roster lock deadline is upcoming. After the roster lock date, rosters can no longer be edited without an administrators involvement.

What does it say?

The email includes the team name and program registered for and indicates that the rosters need to be updated by the specified date.

How is it enabled and disabled?

Each team registration form can have a separate roster lock deadline. This is set at the form level. If no date is entered, no email will be sent. It is also possible for the organization to have a roster lock date while disabling the email.

When is the email sent?

When enabled, the first email will be sent 3 days before the roster lock date. The second will be sent 24 hours ahead of the roster lock date.

Any Registration with Online Payments and/or Due Dates

Any registration form (team or individual) may offer either online or offline (or both) payment methods. Payments may be configured with due dates, for example an offline payment with a due date of January 30th, or instalment plans with multiple upcoming payments set to be processed or due on specific dates.

Upcoming Payment Email

What does it do?

Notifies the registrant that the payment associated with their registration is going to be due. This only applies to payments with an upcoming due date that are in the state of unpaid or partially paid.

What does it say?

How is it enabled and disabled?

The organization may chose to disable upcoming payment notifications by contacting GOALLINE's support team.

When is the email sent?

Seven days before the payment due date.

Missed Payment Email

What does it do?

Notifies the registrant that the payment associated with their registration is past due. This only applies to payments with a past due date that are in the state of unpaid or partially paid.

What does it say?

How is it enabled and disabled?

The organization may chose to disable missed payment notifications by contacting GOALLINE's support team.

When is the email sent?

The day after the payment due date.

Unpaid Registration Report

What does it do?

Notifies the organization's main administrator that there are registrations with payments that are past due. This only applies to payments with a past due date that are in the state of unpaid or partially paid.

What does it say?

A summary of unpaid registrations as well as a detailed list of individuals who have unpaid registrations is included.

How is it enabled and disabled?

When due dates are applied to programs on registration forms, this email cannot be disabled.

When is the email sent?

The day after the payment(s) due date.


The system may also send email notifications to administrators triggered by registration activity such as player transfers or from someone who has been blocked from registering online.

Player Transfer email

What does it do?

Notifies various administrators that a player is being registered (via online registration forms or through player import files) with a different association than their existing record indicates.

What does it say?

Depending on what player transfer features are enabled for the organization, the email may include the original organization where the registrant existed and instructions on approving the request, or it may be a notification indicating that a registrant originally registered with your organization has registered somewhere else.

How is it enabled and disabled?

To enable or disable player transfer notification emails, contact GOALLINE's support team.

When is the email sent?

As soon as the registration (or import) has occurred.

Registration Attempt by Blocked Individual email

What does it do?

Notifies the organization that a person who's profile has "Block this person from registering online" selected.

What does it say?

How is it enabled and disabled?

If a profile is set to be blocked from registering online, this email cannot be disabled.

When is the email sent?

As soon as the blocked individual attempts to register.