Online Registration - Helpful Tips

23 Feb

Now that you've taken your organization to the next level by offering online registration, we've got some helpful tips to make the process easier for you and your membership.


  1. Your form's title - Make your form title as simple as possible. If the form is for players to register with you, a good name would be "Player Registration" or, for coaches, "Coach Registration." There's no need to include the words "online," "form" or references to the specific year (unless you're registering players for something really far in advance!). You want the form's title to clearly indicate what it's being used for without using too many characters (so it fits in your menu better).
  2. Closing Date - The closing date will be one year from the date the form is created. That may not always make sense for the form you're creating. For example, if you create your form in August to start taking registrations from September to the end of October, you'll want your closing date to be November 1st. In case you forget to un-publish your form, the closing date will stop people from registering once that date comes.
  3. Players (or Coaches) who are already in the GOALLINE database - This is a very important question to set correctly. Saying No to this option means that anyone who is already in your GOALLINE database will see a message when they try to register that says "This form is not open to returning registrants.." Saying Required to this option means that ONLY those people who are already in your database will be able to register; if a new person is trying to use the form, they will not be able to proceed. Saying Yes to this option allows both new and returning players (or coaches) to register. This is often the appropriate selection if you are expecting your existing players and/or new players to register with you.

    There are various places throughout the form that you can add additional instructions. Using the "Insert Additional Instructions at the Top if the Form," you can provide your membership with information to avoid any confusion. Here is a sample of information that could be placed at the top of your form (feel free to copy this into your form!):

    How do I know if I'm a returning player?
    You're a returning player if you were part of our association last year. When asked "Are you a returning player?" be sure to say yes.
    If you have not played with our association in the past (or "since 2012.."), when asked "Are you a returning player?" select no and proceed with the registration.

    How do I retrieve my access code?
    Using the link below the "Are you a returning player?" question, provide your information and submit. Your access code will be emailed to you. If you're shown a message that there is no player in the system that matches that information, check your information for spelling errors or an incorrect date of birth and try again. If it doesn't recognize you, simply register as a new player. If you don't receive an email, please contact us.

    What do I do if I have trouble?
    Contact [someone] for assistance with retrieving your access code or with the registration process.

  4. Collecting Parent Information - When using registration forms to collect youth player information, it's common to collect and require parent information. You can ask if parents are the "Account Holder" for the player profile; this provides the parent with full access to the registration account. In order for a parent to be the account holder, you must collect and require their first name, last name, date of birth and email address. Using the "Extra Information Above Parent Information" section, you can advise them:

    Why do I need to provide my date of birth?
    If you'd like to be the account holder for this players profile, your first name, last name, date of birth and email address are required. This information is used to provide you with the access code you'll need to access your registration account later on.

  5. Programs/Payment Types - Programs are what the players will actually select when registering. Only one program can be selected during the online registration process. If you're offering player registration to your entire membership on the same form, consider what your program names should be. Some organizations will provide one option here, which works well if all of your participants pay the same fee. Other organizations will choose to have a separate program for each age and/or gender level offered; this option gives you more search options when reporting on your registrations.

  6. Confirmation Email - Use the confirmation email to provide your members with useful information such as when to expect communications from your association, when the program begins, how payment should be made (if you offered offline payments as an option) and provide then with their access code. Using the text place holders, you can create an email that is personalized with everything they'll need to know.