Manage Leagues Tool

27 Feb

This video explains how to use the Manage Leagues tool in your GOALLINE powered website to create a league.  If you do not have access to this tool, please contact your websites main administrator for assistance.



Note: These instructions apply to league organizations and does not apply to association teams (travel or rep teams). These instructions apply to organizations who run house leagues where all teams belong to the organization or those who manage the schedules, statistics and standings for leagues.

To manage leagues:

1. Go to Master Menu - Scheduling Tab - Manage Leagues

2. Enter your league name - Examples would be league names such as U12 Girls A, U16 Boys Tier 1, Sr Men Rec.

3. Age, Skill Level and Gender must be set. Select the appropriate options for your league.

4. Menu Placement - Your first league will use "New Menu Label" and the system will generate a menu group for you. You can edit the menu label as needed later. When adding more leagues, any existing menu label will be available in the drop down list. Examples of menu labels could be Boys, Girls, Senior, Tier 1, Tier 2, etc.

5. Select which menu items you wish to display on the public league page. For example, if you don't want "Statistics" to display for a specific league, uncheck that option when creating or editing the league.

6. Set the minimum and/or maximum number of players per team in the league. If a team can have no more than 18 players, set the maximum to be 18.

7. Click "Create New League."

8. Repeat as needed until all of your leagues have been added.

9. Edit Menu label and Order Leagues/Groups if needed. When displayed publicly, groups and leagues will display in the order set here. If using "Divisions" to display your leagues, the menu group becomes the Division label.

10. Use Manage Seasons and Manage Schedules to add an active season and schedule to your new leagues.