Troubleshooting Issues With Game Assignment Status

30 Jan

Permalink    |    Topic: Referee Management

Confirmed/declined games still shows as pending
Referees confirmed but the system still shows them as pending
Referee declined a game but it's showing as pending
Game assignment states are not saving

The best way to isolate the cause of these issues is to review the Game's History.

Reviewing Game History to Troubleshoot Game Assignment Issues

  1. Find the game in the Edit Referee Assignments Page.
  2. Isolate the game if needed by clicking on the name of any assigned referee.
  3. Scroll right and click "History."
  4. The history will display the position, action and user for each state of assigning.
    • No "action" means that the position was saved in draft mode.
    • If the user is noted as "Ref" that means the action was performed by the referee from within their personal control panel.
    • Look at the timing of the actions to determine if an issue is caused by both the referee and an assignor performing actions on the same games at the same time.