How to report a game score (Association Site)

27 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Statistic Tools

Once a game has been played, you'll want to record the game score.

This can only be done from the Team menu - Statistics Tab.

If the game has been played against another team in the league (example Tyke House 1 vs. Tyke House 2), the game score needs to be reported by one team. However, if player stats are being tracked, each team will need to enter their own stats. The score will automatically update on the score sheet.



1.     To enter game stats, click “Report [season –schedule]"

2.     Choose a date range to view, or select a game already displayed and click Report

3.     If your schedule detail settings are set to track player stats, submit the roster for the players

4.     Uncheck boxes for players who were not dressed for the game

5.     Enter the Visitor and Home scores and the stats for each player

6.     When the stats are in, click Enter to submit them

7.     Use the Reset button to clear the entire contents of the reporting sheet

8.     If the schedule details are set to not record player stats, simply enter in the final game score

9.     Only one team will need to do this if both have their tracking settings set to not record player stats.

10.   If you want to delete a game and there is a score associated with that game you cannot delete the game unless you reset the score or remove the score first. "