How do I Import Membership Information?

27 Feb

Permalink    |    Topics: People Management, Registration - Chapter: Public - Tags: memberships, import

When using Membership features, it is possible to import memberships for those participants who will not be using your online forms. In order to import memberships, all membership setup steps must be complete. Networks that utilize two layer memberships will repeat the import process at both layers (in separate Goalline sites).

The instructions below assume that all membership forms are set up and that two layer memberships are being used. If your organization only uses one membership, adjust accordingly.

  • Begin with a spreadsheet that includes all required information. The system requires first and last name, date of birth (best to use format YYYY-MM-DD), and email address. All other information that you and/or the province requires can be included but is optional for the purpose of the import. When you're file is done, save as a CSV formatted file.
  • Include the columns with the following labels (these labels can be flexible, but you'll want them to be distinct as described here):
    • NSO Membership (example Can Free 1 and 2 | Acro Can 1 et 2)
    • NSO Amount (example $25.00)
    • PSO Membership (example Can Free 1 and 2 | Acro Can 1 et 2)
    • PSO Amount (example $25.00)
    • (Optional) Registration Comment (example 'Paid via cheque #234')
    • (Optional) Registered Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Beginning at the PSO, select the appropriate import type (example Import Athletes) and load the file.
  • When proceeding through the import, select to "disregard" the NSO columns
  • Map the membership column to "Registration Type"
  • Map the amount column to "Registration Amount"
  • When proceeding through the import, match the membership types in the file to those in the system (pay careful attention to the form these are associated with as similar membership names may exist on older forms)
  • Complete the import and repeat on the NSO
  • When importing to the NSO, disregard the "PSO" columns and use the "NSO" columns.