How Do I Assign Players To A Team?

27 Feb

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Players can be assigned to teams in multiple ways.

Method 1: Assign One Individual Player

  1. In the Master Menu under People Tools go to Find Players/Parents.
  2. Search for your player and click Search Players.
  3. Click Edit beside the player name.
  4. On the right hand side of the screen click the Assign to a Team tab.
  5. Choose the team from the team list and click Enter.

Method 2: Assign Multiple Players to a Team

  1. In the Master Menu under People Tools go to Assign Multiple Players to a Team.
  2. Complete the search filters and click Display Players.
  3. Choose your players that you would like to assign on the left then choose the team on the right.
  4. Click Assign # Players.

Method 3: Player Import

  1. In the player import file if you fill out the team information under the Current Team column the player will be assigned to that team.
  2. In the Current Team column it is best to add the league name and team name so when you are matching you can distinguish between teams if some teams have the same name.