To track website statistics you will need to set up Google Analytics for you site. You can do this by following the instructions below:
Create a Gmail account if you do not already have one.
- Click here to open the “Create an Account” page at Google.
- Complete the form fields as follows:
- First Name: - Enter your first name.
- Last Name: - Enter your last.
- Desired Login Name: - Enter your desired login name.
- Choose a password: - Enter your desired password.
- Re-enter password: - Re-enter password created above.
- Uncheck “Stay signed in” and “Enable Web History”.
- Security question: - Select your security question.
- Security question answer
- Recovery Email: - Enter your exiting email address.
- Location: - Enter your location.
- Birthday: - Enter your birthday.
- Word Verification: Enter characters displayed as instructed.
- Click “I accept. Create my account” if you agree to the terms.
- Congratulations, you have created a Gmail account.
Add Google Analytics to the Gmail Account.
- Go to http://www.google.com/analytics/ and select “Sign Up Now”.
- In the Sign in box enter the following:
- Email: Enter the email address created above.
- Password: Enter the password for the account created above.
- Click “Sign In”.
- Click “Sign Up” in the “Start using Google Analytics” box.
- Enter the following on the “Create New Account” page:
- Account Name: Enter your Organization Name.
- Website’s URL: - Enter full domain name ie. www.mydomain.com.
- Timezone: - Set your time zone.
- Leave the Data Sharing Settings as default.
- Under “User Agreement” select your country or territory.
- Select “Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions” if you agree to the terms.
- Click “Create Account”.
- The account will be created. Note the Web Property ID under the section “Tracking Code Configuration”. Email this code to support@goalline.ca requesting that Google Analytics be setup for your site.
- Leave all other values as their defaults and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
- Click “Sign Out”.