How do I add Google Analytics to my site? How do I track website statistics?

27 Feb

To track website statistics you will need to set up Google Analytics for you site. You can do this by following the instructions below:

Create a Gmail account if you do not already have one.

  1. Click here to open the “Create an Account” page at Google.
  2. Complete the form fields as follows:
    • First Name: - Enter your first name.
    • Last Name: - Enter your last.
    • Desired Login Name: - Enter your desired login name.
    • Choose a password: - Enter your desired password.
    • Re-enter password: - Re-enter password created above.
    • Uncheck “Stay signed in” and “Enable Web History”.
    • Security question: - Select your security question.
    • Security question answer
    • Recovery Email: - Enter your exiting email address.
    • Location: - Enter your location.
    • Birthday: - Enter your birthday.
    • Word Verification: Enter characters displayed as instructed.
    • Click “I accept. Create my account” if you agree to the terms.
  3. Congratulations, you have created a Gmail account.

Add Google Analytics to the Gmail Account.

  1. Go to and select “Sign Up Now”.
  2. In the Sign in box enter the following:
    • Email:  Enter the email address created above.
    • Password: Enter the password for the account created above.
    • Click “Sign In”.
  3. Click “Sign Up” in the “Start using Google Analytics” box.
  4. Enter the following on the “Create New Account” page:
    • Account Name: Enter your Organization Name.
    • Website’s URL: - Enter full domain name ie.
    • Timezone: - Set your time zone.
    • Leave the Data Sharing Settings as default.
  5. Under “User Agreement” select your country or territory.
  6. Select “Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions” if you agree to the terms.
  7. Click “Create Account”.
  8. The account will be created. Note the Web Property ID under the section “Tracking Code Configuration”. Email this code to requesting that Google Analytics be setup for your site.
  9. Leave all other values as their defaults and click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
  10. Click “Sign Out”.