Adding Attachment to Email

06 Mar

Permalink    |    Topic: Communication Tools - Tags: email, attachment, link, file

To add an attachment to an email you first need to add the document to your site:

Files uploaded here may be linked to news articles, events, webpages and more.

There is a 8MB file size limit on any files being uploaded to the system.

How to upload a file:

1. Select you are uploading a file.
2. Create a title for your file. This will be used to identify it in your list.
3. Click “choose file” to browse your computer and upload the file you are looking for.
4. Select a category for your file/image. Categories can assist in organizing your files so you can easily find them. To add or delete a category click “Edit Categories”.
5. Click “Upload” to upload your file.

From the right hand side of this page, you can edit and delete your existing files.

Once this is completed you can now within Send Email Announcement create a document link:

  1. Type in the description box the text you would like them to click on and then highlight it.
  2. Click on the chain link icon "Link".
  3. Under "Link Type" choose "Link to file uploaded to GOALLINE".
  4. Under File Name to Link choose the file you uploaded above.
  5. Click Ok.

To send an image as a file the recipients can download:

  1. Type in the description box the text you would like them to click on and then highlight it.
  2. Click on the chain link icon "Link".
  3. Click the button to "Browse Server."
  4. Folders on the left can be opened to select images.
  5. Double click the image you'd like available to recipients to download.

NOTE: This will add a link to the file in your email. It will not physically attach the file to your outgoing email as this is currently not a feature of the system