Registration Form Closing Date

23 Feb

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What is the "Registration Closing Date"?

The "Registration Closing Date" on individual registration forms determines the date in which the registration form will no longer be available for registrations.

The default closing date for all individual registration forms is one year from the creation date, and cannot be longer than one year from the creation date.  You can set this date to any date you want as long as it is within one year of the creation date.

The form will not be available starting with the closing date provided, so make sure the "Closing Date" entered here is the day after the final registration date.

If the form you are attempting to edit is at the "registration closing date" and you attempt to edit the form, you will see a pop-up window open with the title of "Registration Form Closed".

If the form should not be closed at this time, close the pop up and edit the form's closing date on Step 1 - Personal Information - General Form Information Section.

If the form should be closed, you can select "Back to Registration Form List" and then select the Copy/Archive button beside the form.

If you plan on re-using the form year after year, you will need to do this. Otherwise, a new form will need to be created from scratch.

Please go to the "Copy/Archive Registration Form" FAQ for additional information.