What are Practice Time Slots?

23 Feb

Permalink    |    Topic: Schedule Tools - Tags: practice, time, slot, slots

Practice Time Slots is a feature available through GOALLINE that allows the organization to determine all of the practice times for a season that can be selected by their leagues and teams. This is a feature that is not set up as a default. If you would like this set up please contact support@goalline.ca.

With the Practice Time Slots feature the organization will add all time slots for practices through Practice Time Slot in the Master Menu. When creating practice time slots you can make them available for the whole organization or a specific team or a specific league. These time slots can be used for practices only.

This allows your scheduler the ability to control all the practice times at all venues.

Please note that if the Practice Time Slots feature is activated teams and leagues cannot add practices unless a time slot has been created.

For further information on practice time slots please see the following FAQ articles: How to Create Practice Time Slots and How to Claim a Practice Time Slot.